Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy Massage is a deeply relaxing and restorative treatment tailored to changing needs throughout your pregnancy. It is also very helpful to restore and adjust in the post natal period. Qualified pregnancy massage practitioners Caroline Madden and Kerry Oliver offer this massage specialism.

As well as relieving aches and pains of pregnancy, it provides time to relax. During pregnancy, the body changes to prepare itself for the birth.  In particular the joints become looser and may ache.  The lower back can often be painful because of this, along with the extra weight and strain being applied to it.

Pregnancy Massage slows down stress hormones (Adrenaline & Cortisol) and encourages the flow of the body’s feel good hormones (Endorphins, Opamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin). These hormones not only make you feel relaxed, calm, balanced and recharged, but the same effect is also passed on to your growing baby while he or she is in Utero.  These hormones also play a vital role during labour and the birthing process, and work at optimum levels when the body is as relaxed as possible. Practicing to relax during your massage treatment is beneficial.

Possible Benefits of Pregnancy Massage:

  • Reduce stress and promote relaxation
  • Reduce nausea
  • Boost energy levels
  • Relieve muscular aches and pains
  • Relieve oedema or swelling of joints and limbs
  • Ensure postural awareness and correct poor posture
  • Relieve restless limbs
  • Emotionally and physically prepare you for birth
  • Reduce tiredness and promote better sleep

How will I lie on the couch? Clients are normally positioned in a side lying position using the Body Support Cushion specifically designed for pregnancy to support your changing shape; you can also lay in the semi-reclined position for short periods.